In June 2012 Fuhu, a nascent tech brand, approached us with a challenging task:
Launch their Nabi tablet in an already saturated market and generate buzz before the holidays. With the insight that children often steal their parents’ tablets to play mind numbing games, our strategy was to position Nabi as the ultimate tool for development - a tablet that enriches a child’s education, fosters creativity and growth. For first part of the campaign, we tapped into the magical space kids enter when they turn on their very own Nabi. With fantastical scenes and the tagline “To you it’s a tablet, to them it’s a world”, the commercial targeted parents and kids alike. In the second part of the campaign we fleshed out Nabi as a lifestyle brand. We gave the tablet a voice, a face, and a mission: Cultivate and Celebrate Kid Genius. Searching YouTube for up and coming talent with exsisting followings, we found kid rapper Lil P-Nut and The Art of Teknique, giving them a chance to showcase their “genius” in a fresh rap we wrote and composed about the Nabi. We also created a tablet walkthrough for the web. Both commercials created a highly effective campaign that raised brand awareness and moved product. At the end of 2012, Nabi was ranked as the #1 best selling kids’ tablet in the holiday season, #4 in the overall tablet category, and sold $1.5 million units, surpassing Fuhu’s original goal of selling $1million units.